Live Well

Eat Well

Living on your own, commuting and taking classes can take a toll on your fitness and nutrition. Making good nutrition choices just takes some research and planning! The Student Wellness Center offers nutrition information, including recommended daily intake, fast food choices, and healthy snacks. For more nutrition help, you can schedule an appointment with a registered dietician!

Get Active

Make the decision to increase your physical activity and improve your health! This could mean using stairs more or walking a longer route to classes. University Recreation can help keep you active and give you tips on starting a fitness plan!

Manage Stress

As a commuter you may have added stress on your daily routine than a student who lives on campus. Focusing on building time management skills is a great way to de-stress your life. Learn about stress management or how to get in contact with someone on campus that can help.

Upcoming Events

Check back next semester for more wellness events!

Commuter Student Guide

The Commuter Student Guide is a quick and easy guide that includes important information specific to the needs of commuter students, including parking, safety, and tips for commuting.